2020 year arrived and now is time to new purposes, for us always is the idea to make a trip in Motorhome.
Here there are 12 ideas that we get you because are interesting, sure that some of it you don’t know.
12 trips in motorhome
January – Tamborrada

The year begening wiht one festivity in San Sebastian, “Tamborrada” where many people togheter play drums of different sizes continually.
The festivity begening at 0,00 hours on the Constitution Square hoist the flack of the city. From these moment and durign 24 hours the city is converted in one festivity and exhibition of drums.
During this day you can see around 147 teams getting life to the city wiht their songs and dances.
February – Carnaval de Cádiz

February is the month of the carnivals, it’s very nice to go some days to enjoy in one special city for this events, Cadiz. Of course wiht your Motorhome.
The Cadiz Carnival was declared as International Tourist Interest.
The Cadiz Carnival since the XVII century without dubt is one of the more popular and important festivity in Spain. It’s a festivity wiht very bigger capacity to review where teams of normal population wiht some charazteritations as real or fictional use the satire to show the current events.
This carnaval is lived on the Street whit several groupings, citizens and tourists who come from all places around the world. But also if you have good lucke can to obtein tickets for the Falla Theather to enjoy the competition between all of them.
Without dubt it’s interesting to live on the streets of Cadiz as mínimum one time on the live. Don’t think many it and prepair your luggage and contact us to rent one Motorhome to go to the Sud. Sure you enjoy of one of the more famous carnaval shows wiht more personality.
To stay in Cadiz wiht your Motorhome there several points free of charge or low cost points.
March – Las Fallas

Our next destination from 15th March to 19th March is one other bigger and famous festivity in Spain. The “Fallas” in Valencia.
Is other one festivity declared “Intangible Heritage of Humanity” by the Unesco so this festivity is without dubt during some days in March the Valencia región will be converted in museums of ephemeral Street art.
Valencia is fulled wiht around 800 monuments build in Wood, paper, paperboard and other materials. During these days you can enjoy of child “fallas” too, Fireworks castles, spectacles and the famous “Mascletá” who is the begening of all.
April – Feria de Sevilla

In Abril the proverb say that it’s rain but not always and in all placces it’s the same and in this ocassion we will go to the nice “Feria de Sevilla” also called “Feria de Abril”, This year the dates are from 26th PAril untill 02th May.
During this days Sevilla it’s spruce up, more than a normal, to receive the more bigger festivity of this city. It’s one festivity wiht origin in 1846 year to buy and sale beef cattle, pork cattle and ovine cattle, today is converted in one fair wiht social character.
Thousand of sitizens of Sevilla go to the recinte of the festivity who their name is “Real” toenjoy of this very good ambient drinking the Sherry wine, the “Manzanilla” from San Lucar (white wine too), the ham, prawns, the “sevillanas” dancing and so on.
The “Feria de Sevilla” begening whit the popular lighting where thousands of lights power on whit many more light in all the recinte of the celebration; from these moment you can enjoy of one very nice festivity ambient wiht horse ride, horse carriage, dances, regional customes parade..and ended wiht a very big spectacle of Fireworks.
Wihtout dubt is one of the more higher festivities of Spain more knowledge, if you don0t know it don’t forget the opportunity and coming to this fair this year wiht your Motorhome. If you come to Spain by plain you can rent one Motorhome, ask us about it.
May – Patios Cordobeses

From 04 to 17th May Cordoba city is waiting us whit their popular festivity of the “Fiesta de los Patios” or Courtyards festivity when all the participans open their decorated courtyards yto possibility every body to visit it.
The best of this festivity is that this courtyards are in particular or private houses and in old palaces of the aristocrazy. Also you can find two differents decorations and ambients, the more olds inside old architecture or new courtyards in modern or renoved architecture.
June – Fallas del Pirineo

In june we get the welcome to the summer and there are many festivities the San Juan day, this year our proposition is some more longer of the beaches, our proposition is an alternative option but also wiht good atraction.
The Festivity of the summer solstice on the Pyrenees mountains, it’s on 23th of June and also is a Inmaterial Heritage of the Humanity festivity. Are knowledges as the “Fallas” of the Pirynees because also the fire is the element present on this celebration.
Following the tradition of each place (city or village) the participants descend from the up zones wiht handmade torches, making forms on the air wiht the fire, makign dancings and power on a bigger bonfire on the village.
One fire spectacle and traditional in a uniqe setting.
July – Fiestas del Humo

Apart the plain summer whit many possibilities to vist the beaches and to enjoy the sun there are special festivities who is difficult to see in other countries. The Smoke Festivity in Peroblasco on the Rioja zone its used the art as transformation weapon, Each last Saturday of July is the celebrations of this unique festivity. A beatiful exaimpel or land-art poetic and vindictive collective.
At 21,00 hours and under the songs of “Pachelbel” who is possible to listen in all valley the chimneys of the village begening to exhale smoke in different colours makign one exciting watercolour.
Thus curios celebration is one of the ways to attract attention to the emptied rural Spain.
You can enjoy also of the competitions of “tortillas”, “pinchos”, “spanish tapas” “mus”(spanish game of cards), music and so on.
August – Trips in motorhome a La Tomatina

In August there are not nothing better than enjoy of one of the more prestige in Spain and who go tourist from all the world, this festivity is “The Tomatina” whi this year i son 26th August.
This festivity is maked in Buñol in Valencia and the action is to throw tomatoes to all directions, to family, Friends or any people inside the recinte; walkign or from one truck. Normally the partitipation isa round 22.000 persons and the quantity of tomatoes used can to be more than the 160.000 kilos. In one simple view could be considere done craise action but is one festivity safety where there are rules to evit any damage to nobody.
The Buñosl streets are full of the red colour of the tomatoes, if you go wiht one Motorhome please get the necessary carefull to evit damages inside or stain the tapestry. Do you visit it? I fis your first time you must to buy one ticket whit antitipation.
September – Fiestas de las Mercè

In september also there are many celebrations in all Spain but in this case we take the decission to talk you about the “Mercé” festivity in Barcelone.
The period is from 20 to 24th September where there many activities, every body find their onw festivity. Special leadership is the music wiht many festivals wiht open – air concerts of many types in different places of the Barcelone city. Also you can see the famous “Castellets” who are human towers and others. The light wiht visuaol spectacles on the Street and Fireworks. September is a ideal month to discover beautiful beaches because the temperatures is also of one normal summer. You can visit Spain in Motorhome in one itinerary who combine some activities visiting cities and the sea.
October – Fiesta del Marisco

Officially in October the summer ends, but you can usually enjoy a good temperature throughout Spain, summer is longer in Spain and all tourists are especially welcome those of trips in Motorhome. There are special events as for exaimple in “Galicia” zone wiht the Sea Food Festivity in O Grove (Village in Galicia).
Visit O Grove in October because there are 12 days of activities, concerts, competitions, food competitions and sea food, many sea food of higher quality.
O Grove is full of Street fairs wher it’s saled very high quality sea food and other local food experiences whit popular and cheaper prices. Your Motorhome will be ready for the festivity.
November – El Tenorio Mendocino

In November we go wiht our Motorhome to Guadalajara to assist to the Tenorio and Mendocino festivity the dates are 01 and 01 of November when the Guadalajara streets is a open air theatre wiht itinerant representation of the famous theatre performance Don Juan Tenorio. To do it are used the buildings of the Mendoza familly make in Guadalajara.
The actors (around 150) are the community of neighbors who go perfectly dressed wiht the renancist epoque. They make the different theatre characters of the wroter Zorrilla. During all the night it’s walking all the monuments of the city from the Mendoza familly.
December – Trips in Motorhome Belén Viviente

Finally we are in December and is time to the end of this article but not to our Trips in Motorhome, we continue open for your rental service to enjoy of the Christmas days wiht Nativity Scenes in many places, probably if you coem to Madrid Rental Station you have more options to visit the “Berrueco” or the “Buitrago” or “Morata de Tajuña” where is possible to assist to one Nativity Scen on the Street of this villages.
Also you can visit the Christmas market on the Plaza Mayor in Madrid and enjoy wiht the multiples “tapas” in our city.
In Madrid there are one camping wiht public transportation at the end of the same Alcala Street who go directly to the Puerta del Sol who is the geographic center of Madrid and also is the more important city for theater and culture ativity.
Near Madrid also is possible (if the snow permitt it) to sky at only around 60 kilometers and to visit some near cities like Avila, Segovia, Toledo and many more. Wiht pleasure we are to serve you in our Center of Rental Motorhomes togheter the Madrid airport.
Enjoy and specially prepair your next trips in Motorhome for Spain.
What do you think? Have you already visited any?
Throughout these 12 months there are many other festivals of interest throughout Spain. So, stop by our website and start by renting a motorhome for your trips.
This way you will have total freedom to go whenever you want, and best of all, make sure you have a place to go sleep.