General Hiring Conditions
The signature of the hiring contract implicates the acceptance of all each of the next conditions:
- The total amount of the hiring contract must be payed before the departure. In the same way, a deposit must be deposited to guarantee the good use and the correct devolution of the vehicle, for a minimum amount of 700,00 Euros by credit card (Visa, Master Card or American Express).
- The customer couldn’t ask for any indemnity if, in case or dire necessity or accidental case, the vehicle could not be delivered at the agreed day.
- 3. If the tenant, by his own decision begins with delay or finishes anticipately the hiring, will not have right to any refund.
- The pick up and the drop off of the vehicle will made at any establishment of the rental center in the national territory, understanding that the place of pick up and the drop off of the vehicle will be the same, in the days and hours stipulated.
- The customer has checked the vehicle and it’s installations before taking it and paying for it and recognized to have received it with entiry satisfaction so that means that any breakdown or equipment malfunction will not give any right to ask for an indemnity, refund or discount.
- It is forbidden to use the vehicle for any activity that goes against the morality, the law and the good customs. It is explicity forbidden to carry up more number of persons that the ones allowed by the law, take part in races, competitions, transport of goods or objets, being this ones allowed or not by the law, to hand over it’s use onerously or with profit, as well as to cover or remove any company’s symbol in the same way, the tenant receives all the documentation required by the law and it’s obligated to show it when any authority agent ask for it.
- The customer will be responsible of any sanction or fine which contravene the valid dispositions. He will also responsible if the vehicle is retained or seized by his fault and he will have to pay all the costs and losses of profit of the rental center during the time of unavailability of the vehicle. There are one charge of 30,00 Euros for each gestion for traffic penalties. The applied amount will be three times daily charge, according to the model and prices of the vehicle.
- Any accident, collision or damage that affects the vehicle, being this of any degree of importance, must be communicated to the rental center within the ten hours following the event, being submit to the resolutions of the insurance company, reaching the responsibility to the financial losses that the rental center could have.
- In case of damage, if the reparation exceeds not more than 90,00 Euros the customer may perform it directly, if the reparation exceeds this amount, the customer must request authoritation to the rental center, being this amount refund with the presentation of the official invoice to the name of the rental center.
- In case of retention or paralyzation of the vehicle caused for any action by the customer, this one will be responsible of the damages and financial losses derivated from this retention.
- The hired vehicle must be returned with the WC and the waste water deposits rightly emptied. Otherwise the customer accepts to pay a fixed amount of 125,00 Euros.
The rented vehicle must be returned in good hygienic conditions, with it’s interior cleaned, otherwise the user accepts the payment of the necessary cleaning costs. - If the customer wants to extend the hiring for a longer period must notify the rental center within 3 labour days before to expiry date of the contract. The confirmation of this will subject to the availabilityof that, without any obligation by rental center. No authorized delayed delivery not justify for a dire necessity will be penalized with three times daily charge.
- The vehicle object of this contract, it’s insured as the law requires with a franchise of minimum 700,00 Euros for each sinister. That means that in case of accident during the hiring period, the customer will respond for this amount , which from now authorizes to respond it with the deposit deposited. The customer is responsible for any case or circunstance which are not mentioned or includes on the attached insurance policy, which declare to know and accept.
- The deposit will be after been checked by the technical service, which, in case of any damage due to bad use will describe in a detailed note, the amount that the customer will pay, authorizing the customer to compensate this amount with the deposit deposited. If it’s not possible to determinate and quantify the damage in this moment the rental center will have 30 days for the refund in this its case, of the amount remaining deposit, the use of the vehicle hired, punishments or other concepts, the customer authorizes to compensate this amount within the “charge” on the credit card signed as its effect, it’s agreed that the final inspection of the vehicle finish after the cleaning inside and outside.
- The rental center reserves the right to modified the reserved vehicle the same day of the delivery byother of the same category and/or seats, or other of a superior category.
- The no show from the customer on the date, place and hour agreed to the begening of the service will have the consideration of unilateral termination of the hiring and the booking with penalty cancellation of the 100% of the hired of all the amount booked, this no show facult to the rental center to dispose of the vehicle and the customer have not any right to any indemnity or compensation.